Great British Stallion Showcase 2021

The Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association (TBA) and Great British Racing International (GBRI) has launched the Great British Stallion Showcase 2021.

The online Showcase is in lieu of the TBA’s Flat Stallion Parade and the National Hunt Stallion Showcase, both of which were unable to take place in 2021 due to Covid-19. 

The Great British Stallion Showcase website houses photos and videos of our stallions, along with a voice over from our very own Peter, taking you through their pedigrees and fees. The interactive stallion pages also include their British EBF eligibility where appropriate. 

Please do go and look at Scorpion, Dartmouth and Telescope,  and pop us a call or email if you would like to discuss things further!


Telescope Back In Focus


Success for Black Sam Bellamy